Hi Everyone:
I am writing to you after the fact. I had a narrow escape here in Utah. While I was working on my motorhome I started to feel sick. I am one for not giving up so I continued my work. Soon I became very ill and decided to go into the RV and lie down. I never made it to the bed. I was on my way to passing out. I quickly got down on my knees before falling flat on my face. I then started throwing up. To my horror it was what seemed like gallons of blood. I knew something was drastically wrong but I was so sick on my stomach and continuously throwing up that I was unable to call for help on my cell phone. Bucket after bucket, finally I got a call through to my ex-wife. She in turn called my son in a nearby town. He and his fiancee came to my rescue. They rushed me 40 miles away to the University Hospital of Utah. I had two great nurses who took very good care of me, thank you both.

Once at the hospital it was discovered that I had a massive upper GI internal bleed. I had a rupture inside my stomach and was bleeding to death internally. I was later told I had lost over 50% of my blood. The hospital told my ex wife to gather the family. I was rushed in for an operation. It has been a long road to recovery. I've had two more stays in the hospital. Even now at Christmas time I am still weak and have a very low blood count .
It's December and I am back home in NJ. My friends often ask me if I have heard anything from Carol. I am sad to tell them no I haven't, not one word. I do know she was made aware of my emergency hospital stay by mutual friends from our church and our motorcycle group. Recently retired as a nurse Carol's expert knowledge would have offered encouragement and support. I will give her credit, she did tell my friends she still had my house key if they needed it. I thought that was nice of her.
This was a sad way to end my trip. While I was in the hospital my RV and trailer was put into an impound lot. Eventually I place my RV, trailer and motorcycle in long term storage and fly back to New Jersey. I arrive just in time for Christmas and 2 1/2 feet of snow. What a change from 105*F at the start of our trip.
I never give up........ I will return to Utah and finish the trip on the route originally planned by myself and Carol. Glacier National Park and Alaska here I come.

Once at the hospital it was discovered that I had a massive upper GI internal bleed. I had a rupture inside my stomach and was bleeding to death internally. I was later told I had lost over 50% of my blood. The hospital told my ex wife to gather the family. I was rushed in for an operation. It has been a long road to recovery. I've had two more stays in the hospital. Even now at Christmas time I am still weak and have a very low blood count .
It's December and I am back home in NJ. My friends often ask me if I have heard anything from Carol. I am sad to tell them no I haven't, not one word. I do know she was made aware of my emergency hospital stay by mutual friends from our church and our motorcycle group. Recently retired as a nurse Carol's expert knowledge would have offered encouragement and support. I will give her credit, she did tell my friends she still had my house key if they needed it. I thought that was nice of her.
This was a sad way to end my trip. While I was in the hospital my RV and trailer was put into an impound lot. Eventually I place my RV, trailer and motorcycle in long term storage and fly back to New Jersey. I arrive just in time for Christmas and 2 1/2 feet of snow. What a change from 105*F at the start of our trip.
I never give up........ I will return to Utah and finish the trip on the route originally planned by myself and Carol. Glacier National Park and Alaska here I come.
Christmas and New Year's has come and gone. I spend it alone in New Jersey. I don't see or hear from Carol ever again. There is no one to blame for this, a good person she is, just two good people looking for different things in life. I, wanting and thinking I was in a committed long term permanent relationship while Carol looking only for a "Good Time Charlie". I am sure we both will find our way. I know the new year will prove to be a great one.
Chriss Horstman